September 27th, 2014                                                               Back to Blog

" is one thing to have a dream, and quite another to believe in your dream so fervently as to do whatever it takes to make your dream come true. Les knows what it takes to turn dreams into realities. It takes hard work, and then more hard work. It takes courage, and a brave and crazy belief that you are right in your beliefs." - Glenn Frey, September 27th 2014 - EMMY Awards

The Opening Video at the Emmys

The Mid-America Chapter of the National Academy of Television Arts and Sciences (NATAS) announced that the Board of Governors will present the prestigious Governor's Award to Les Garland at the 38th Annual Emmy® Awards presented by Branson and Silver Dollar City. Les Garland is a Springfield, Missouri native, media icon and Co-Founder of the MTV Networks.


SEKA @seka1954  21m

@KC,Mo. Emmy Awards W/ Les Garland & Glenn Frey.LG received the Governors LTA Award.


Diana Davis ‏@davis_diana  13h

He's the voice of the DJ on Jefferson Starship's record, "We Built this City." Les Garland talked about

the amazing days when MTV was first being established. Garland received the Governor's Award for Lifetime Achievement. (He's a Springfield, MO native.) And you could hear a collective gasp in the crowd when it was announced that Glenn Frey would be the award presenter!

If, but for just a little while, I became a "cool" Mom for my daughter... in light of the famous people who were in our presence. She didn't know that MTV used to only play music videos. That there were such people as VJ's and that Nina Blackwood was one of them. I got to answer a lot of questions on the way home. Were the '80's really that long ago???


STRETCH ‏@STRETCHartist  Sep 28

Great nite with Becca and friends @Meris_T #Emmy14KC .Congrats to friend and legend Les Garland, @coolfirestudios and the KC TV Krews


Andy Likes ‏@TVGmediaguy  Sep 27

How incredibly cool is this? Glenn Frey from The Eagles, Les Garland from MTV & game show host Todd Newton.  #Emmy14KC


Carole Myers ‏@CaroleMyers  Sep 27

#LesGarland @MTV thanks #JamesBrown for telling him to go for it!


Matt Chambers ‏@WeatherChambers  Sep 27

Co-founder of @MTV & Forsythe, MO native Les Garland speaking now at Emmy's. Visionary. They don't make 'em like this guy anymore.


Carole Myers ‏@CaroleMyers  Sep 27

#LesGarland founder @MTV "We created a radio station that you could see" #Emmy14KC @nightoftheproms


Angee Simmons ‏@AngeeSimmons  Sep 27

AMAZING. listening to les garland co-founder of MTV. "It was my play... You did something you believed in." #Emmy14KC


Christa Dubill ‏@christadubill  Sep 27

Les Garland - cofounder of MTV - is from Forsyth, MO. He has a house on Table Rock Lake.


Bree Smith ‏@BreeSmithWx  Sep 27

Things overheard at the #Emmy14KC "back then I wanted a BMW... Today I just want a BM." - Les Garland {C}{C}{C}


Megan Kelly ‏@MeganKellyNews  Sep 27

An EAGLE is in the house! Glenn Frey announces MTV founder Les Garland as Governor's Award Winner


HEC-TV ‏@HEC_TV  Sep 27

Hey Bud! 2014 Governor's Award for Lifetime Achievement goes to Springfield, Mo. native and Co-Founder of the MTV Networks, Les Garland!


Michelle Davidson ‏@MichelleKCLive  Sep 27

Special guest #Eagles #glenfry in KC presenting award for @lesgarland I want my MTV! #Emmy14KC


Mayor Presley ‏@bransonmayor  Sep 27

Sending my congratulations to Les Garland - Governor's Award. Amazing career. Enjoy your well deserved moment in the spotlight!


Jessica Wade Inc. ‏@JessicaWadeInc  Sep 22

Congrats to our dearest friend Les Garland. MTV co-founder to be honored  via @springfieldNL #MTV #epic #brilliant


Bryan Busby ‏@BryanBusbyKMBC  Sep 27

OMG Glenn Frye is the house. Always been an Eagles fan! Lucking enough to see them earlier at @SprintCenter #emmy14KC


Garrett Haake ‏@GarrettHaake  Sep 27

Well now I feel like a jerk for not thanking my Zumba friends. #emmy14kc


NATAS Mid-America ‏@emmymidam  Sep 27

I think we'd sit and listen to @LesGarland read the phone book! Wow what a storyteller! #Emmy14KC


Angee Simmons ‏@AngeeSimmons  Sep 27

AMAZING. listening to les garland co-founder of MTV. "It was my play... You did something you believed in." #Emmy14KC


Alessio Summerfield ‏@acsummerfield  Sep 27

Word -- Glenn Fry of The Eagles and Les Garland of MTV mythos just crashed the #Emmy14KC award ceremony.


Margret Craft ‏@pegcraftmo  Sep 27

Glenn Frey of Eagles just showed up to induct Les Garland MTV founder in gold circle.#Emmy14KC


Dave Simmons ‏@daveyahoo  Sep 27

One time I was at an awards dinner - and Glenn Fry (of a little band called the Eagles) showed up. To honor Les Garland of MTV. #Emmy14KC

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